Late Spring/ Summer/Fall 2021
Virtual Sessions Available Year Round
In Person Sessions Resume June 1st, 2021
CANINE COACH Virtual Sessions
I know virtual sessions are not always ideal but they can bridge a gap you might have as you address your training goals with your pup or dog. Virtual sessions are ideal for covering problems like house soiling, puppy mouthing, chewing, barking and jumping. A virtual session can also guide you through issues like separation anxiety and shyness/fearfulness.
Here's how I can help you with a CANINE COACH Virtual Session:
Complete an evaluation via email. Your answers will tell me what you like about your pup or dog, what is concerning you now, and what you'd like to see as an overall goal. I'll then create a notebook specific to your responses and goals.
Notebook drop off. I'll notify you that I'm ready to drop off your training notebook to you at home.
Schedule your virtual session. Let me know if you'd prefer a video session via FaceTime, Zoom, Skype or Google Duo. I'll initiate your session according to your choice.
Virtual Session Cost: $25 You can use Venmo for payment connected to my phone number.
CANINE COACH In Person Sessions
I would enjoy helping you train your pup or dog if we can strike the right balance for the safety of everyone involved while still dealing with Covid 19.
When you inquire about in person training I will give you an accurate timeline on a starting date as my current clients finish their private lessons and I'm ready to add you to my schedule.
If you feel you cannot wait to begin please don’t hesitate to reach out to other local trainers to help you reach your goal with your dog.
In person sessions will be held outdoors and weather permitting. We can work in your yard, in your neighborhood, or even meet in the park. Follow up sessions can be scheduled whenever you are ready.
Like last year, I will still be following Ohio and CDC recommended guidelines so that all my clients can feel safe while training with me. You can read more about my CANINE COACH program in the CANINE COACH tab.
Ready to train? Here are the next steps:
Complete an evaluation via email. Just like my virtual sessions, your answers will tell me what you like about your pup or dog, what is concerning you now, and what you'd like to see as an overall goal. I'll then create a notebook specific to your responses and goals.
Schedule your in person session.
Training notebook is presented in our first session.
In Person Session Cost: $40 You can pay via check, cash or use Venmo connected with my phone number
Hoping you stay safe and healthy during this challenging time.